Today I'm going to talk about eye make up and its effect on whole face.The eyes are main focal points of the faces.Now there is a question " How to select the color and pattern of eye make up?"
It depends on many factors like eye color,face shape,eye shape etc.that I will explain about some factors:
1)Eye shape:Almond Shaped Eyes
Oval Shaped Eyes
Round Eyes
Almond Eyes: This eye shape is characterized by an upswept outer corner. Many women with this eye shape want to increase the depth and intensity of their eyes, so experiment with eyeliner as a bold sweep on the upper lid, neutral colors lining under the eye, and upper and lower liner in various shades. To help almond eyes appear larger, limit liner to the outer portion of the top lid. To make almond eyes appear more round, stop liner before the outer corner of the eye, or use a lighter shade or smoky or smudged look in that area.
Oval Eyes: To give an oval eye an illusion of more height, use liner to create a thin line at the outer corner and gradually thicken towards the middle of the eye. Continue in slightly towards the inner corner, reducing again to a fine line. If your eyes are small, skip the lower liner; otherwise draw a very fine line under the lower lashes
Round Eyes: This eye shape if often large, and open-looking, and many women like to use makeup to elongate the eye. Use darker liner to slightly extend beyond the eyelid at the outer corners to give this illusion. Use a medium shade of eye shadow on the eyelid (up to the crease) and extend the shade slightly both slightly up toward the brow bone and slightly down toward the lower lid to create a more elongated eye appearance.
2)Eye placement:Hooded Eyes
Wide-Set Eyes
Prominent Eyes
Deep-Set Eyes
Close-Set Eyes
Drooping Eyes
Hooded eyes, sometimes also referred to as "bedroom eyes" appear as if the eye lid is partially closed. Hooded eyes often need more prominence, so to give this illusion:
1)Use a light highlight shade on brow bone and inner corner along lash line.
2)Apply an eye shadow shade slightly darker than the highlight shade over the entire lid and hooded area of the eye.
3)Use a darker contour shade on the outer corner, sweeping up to a light peak.
4)Finish with a liner to define the lash lines
Wide-set eyes are spaced out in the face, and the goal is typically to bring the eyes closer together for a more proportionate look. This can be achieved by:
1)Using a highlight shade on the central portion of the upper lid.
2)Use a medium shadow up to the brow bone from the inner corner outward, finishing in inward slant.
3)With a darker shade, shade the edge of the upper lid and the outer crease.
4)Apply liner to focus on the center and inward corner of the eye - this gives the illusion of drawing the eye closer together.
prominent or convex eye shapes, makeup can help reduce the appearance if bulging, or bugging out. To make the eye appear as if it is receding a bit more into the face, use a dark shade of eye shadow near the lash line and base of the lid. Use a slightly lighter shade for the crease, and blend outward towards the brow bone.
The opposite of prominent eyes, deep-set eyes recede back into the sockets. Ideas to bring them out with makeup:
1)Lighten the inner corner and entire lid with shadow.
2Use a medium shadow above the crease and gently apply it across the bottom of the brow bone.
3)Use a darker contour shade only at the outer crease and dip slightly outward.
4)Keep liner, especially on the upper lid, thin
Close-set eyes together can be brought out by using a light shade on the inner corner and most of the lid and a medium shade from the middle of the brow bone and sweeping outward. The darker contour color should outer corner and blend up and out toward the edge of the brow line.
drooping eyes that slope downward can be seen at any age, this is sometimes the look of mature eyes of other shapes as well. To make eyes appear livelier:
1)Apply a light shade in an oval shape on the lid and inner corner.
2)Follow with a medium shade that stops slightly before the edge of the brow.
3)Finish with a dense patch of shadow in and slightly above the outer crease that extends toward the brow.
4)Use liner in lower lash line, but keep the line light, and stop before the outer corner.
3)Eye color:
You can see some eye make up at the bottom:

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